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HomeBlogWhat are the 3 types of Architectural models in Dubai?


What are the 3 types of Architectural models in Dubai?

Architectural models in Dubai comes in three varieties:

1. Architectural Model Prototype for a design concept.

Seeing the original form and shape of the design concepts can be beneficial. Whereas most architects begin the very first stage of their work with a 2D drawing, a simple model might provide an alternative viewpoint.

2. A functional design model

You may turn your concept into a workable design model if you completely understand what you’re making. Developing the prototype model can assist you in addressing any shortcomings or difficulties you may have with your original concept while also possibly bringing to light, fresh, creative ideas you can use, model makers in dubai frequently employ more durable materials like steel, cement, and wood to produce a practical design model.

3. A model for concept presentation.

An improved representation of the elements and dimensions of your final piece, a demonstration model, is more detailed than your original working prototype. Architectural Models for concept presentations in dubai are used when you’re prepared to convey your concepts to a customer or the general audience. A demonstration version is made by model builders using premium materials like epoxy or a 3D printer.


What function do architectural models serve?


From inspiration to completed articles, architectural model making in dubai is helpful for various tasks.

A project can be sold using models. Designers use models to communicate with clients about projects, promote project ideas (or plan projects), and inform individuals about property investment that is being considered or already exists. You can still save resources and money by using models. Engineers can identify any potential building difficulties with the aid of an architectural model. With the help of the model, assessors can see the project in three dimensions and identify any potential problems. You can save time and resources by addressing these problems throughout the design process.


Architectural model making in dubai can assist philanthropy. You can acquire capital to purchase the production of your project with the aid of a well-built blueprint. The concept enables investors to understand exactly where their cash is spent by providing a visual picture of your proposal.


What supplies are essential to creating an architectural model? 

You can use several materials to create architectural structures based on the procedure stage. A few more practical model materials are the following:


  1. Cardboard

Cardboard (or card stock) is available in various hues and sheens and is simple to make custom. A suitable option to work with can alternatively be newspaper pulp.


  1. Wood

A frequent material for model development is balsa wood. It is readily accessible in a range of weights, simple to cut, and reasonably priced. Another substance frequently used in model construction is basswood, which is excellent for sculpting or other types of woodworking.


  1. Foam

There are several different densities of styrofoam panels. These sheets are strong and straightforward to cut.


  1. Cork

Foam boards can’t be handled as quickly as plastic cork sheets. They also add a textured component to your design.


  1. Metal

Metal works well for modeling constructions and showing off details. Aluminum and copper are two common metals to utilize for architectural design.


Instructions for Creating an Architecture Conceptual Model in Dubai


If you’re working on an architectural model project, consider these suggestions for handling materials:

  1. Calculate

A large-size building can be represented on a lesser scale using models. the appropriate dimensions will guarantee that your design is scaled correctly.

  1. Develop prototypes.

Make a few trial components before you begin creating your model to verify sure they fit in correctly and that your proportions are precise.

  1. Use the proper equipment

L- Laser cutting, squares, utility knives, scissors, and blades with sharp edges are all suitable tools for prototype makers. Do some study to determine what you can afford and which tool is ideal for each material.

  1. Select the proper glue.

Hardwood glue is utilized for wood; however, if the residue is not carefully washed off, it can discolor. Glue sticks should only be used for paper building; adhesive paste, which is thicker and more durable than white glue and sets faster, holds things more firmly.

  1. Improve the landscape

Model making tools isn’t just about the structure; it’s also helpful to show clients or the general public how your design will appear in the area where it will be constructed. Will it make the space better? Will it mix in or stand out like a painful forearm? Visitors can better understand how your building will blend in by placing bushes, grass, autos, lamps, and other streetscapes.


We hope this article explains to you the three types of model making in architecture and the best way to do it.

If you are looking for the best model making company in dubai contact us!




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